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Supporting the Alliance for the Great Lakes

February 16, 2017 2 min read

Supporting the Alliance for the Great Lakes

It’s hard to quantify the love we feel for our lakes, and it’s easy to take for granted the time spent on the beautiful water. I know I count on this time to escape and unplug, whether it’s just walking a few blocks out my front door to Lake Michigan or making the 4-hour drive to my cottage to sit on our deck overlooking the water. No matter where I’m accessing these waters or how long it took me to get there, I rarely ever consider the fact that the way I live impacts these volatile ecosystems and that there may come a time when dipping in my toes, let alone my whole body, wouldn’t be such a good idea.

I’m not going to pretend to be well-versed in the ways in which we’re abusing these bodies of water, but I will say that my protective nature over the shorelines of our family’s lake property up north has always been on my mind.

As I began to dream up Lake Effect Co., my aim was to bring attention to these bodies of water and unite a community of lake lovers, but it was also something bigger than simply retail and community building. I wanted there to be an effort to give back to the water that has given to me endlessly. I wanted to consider how my actions affected the lakes, and with simple steps that don’t detract from the great adventure these waters and life near them holds, support these bodies of water.

As such, the charity & awareness component of Lake Effect Co. has begun. Starting today, 5% of all retail sales will be donated to the Alliance for the Great Lakes, an organization whose mission is to protect the Great Lakes for today and tomorrow. They involve tens of thousands of people each year in advocacy, volunteering, education, and research to ensure the lakes are healthy and safe for all.

With the help of the Alliance and other people and orgs who specialize in keeping our waters healthy, be on the lookout for how you can get involved. It may mean implementing a few easy changes in your everyday to ensure these waters are protected and remain available to live near and love on for years to come.

From the Alliance for the Great Lakes

From pursuing protective policies, to taking action on the ground, to educating our communities, the Alliance for the Great Lakes works to protect the Great Lakes. We partner with thousands of people, organizations and businesses around the region to develop and implement forward-thinking solutions for the lakes. Thanks to these efforts, the Alliance has:

  • Provided 60,000 students with a hands-on Great Lakes education.
  • Planted 8,000 native plants and distributed native wildflower seeds to promote dune and wetland habitats and help pollinator species.
  • Worked with more than 15,000 volunteers to clean up and monitor our coastlines through our Adopt-a-BeachTM program, resulting in cleaner waterfronts and more engaged communities.
  • Secured a joint commitment to reduce phosphorous pollution and prevent toxic algae blooms that makes drinking water and swimming unsafe in Lake Erie.
  • Worked directly with farmers and sewage treatment plants to reduce the amount of pollution entering our waterways.

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