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Your LAKE DAY Aesthetic — Looks & Tips for LAKE DAYS

May 26, 2023 3 min read

Your LAKE DAY Aesthetic — Looks & Tips for LAKE DAYS

Lake days are the best days, and yet, it's often a mad dash in preparation, packing, etc. Let's alleviate that with a few staples that also accentuate the LAKE DAY vibe. 

First, you're gonna need 1-2 of the following LAKE DAY® pieces (and did you know that LAKE DAY is a registered trademark of Lake Effect Co? Anywhere else is just a knockoff, just sayin' — that goes for LaKE DAYS, too). 


We have at least six styles, which keep in mind organic vs. conventional fabrics and color options, design preference, and size, including one for kiddos. Shop here.


While hopefully the weather is warm and you can be IN the water, it's great to have a backup if the wind is up, the temps drop, or you're chilled from time in the water or a bit too much sun. We have organic, recycled, subtle and loud, hoodie and crew, options here. Personally loving the HAVE A GREAT LAKE DAY version.

All AND MORE availble here.


Available in both a hoodie (and so many fun colors) or a trucker, this design is designed for those of you who want the sun out, in full force, all day and all summer long. I also love wearing it when the sun is NOT out as a bit of a message to the weather to get it together.


Enough said, these towels are perfect for keeping in the boat, in the beach bag, in the car, in your purse, on your body, etc. 100% cotton, lightweight, and FUN!


The new WATER tank is perfect to toss on over your suit. Same goes for the SUNSHINE dress, in a conservative length organic cotton. I'm 5'11 and the L is roomie and mid/low thigh.





After many a LAKE DAY under my belt, I've found a few key things.

1. Leave your shoes on the pier :)

2. Always choose function over style for the foundational layers — think swimwear, shorts, leggings, jeans, etc. If you love your suit or feel comfy and confident as you move around easily while transitioning in and out of the water or moving around on the boat, you'll be less concerned about, well, anything but enjoying yourself. 

3. When taking photos, remember that both you and nature are beautiful, so it's great to include both in the shot. Don't zoom too far into faces, and save the editing for afterwards. If you're playing with the sun or lens flares or magical water reflections, make sure that your subject (if humans or animals) are also still visible.  

4. Pack light but smart. Bring water, extra towels, change of clothes, dry back, portable chargers, higher protein snacks, sunscreen, etc. My take on that here or by clicking the image below.

Options for enjoying the sun with or without SPF

Ultimately, time on the water is about connecting to it and to one another, and it's less about the gear unless that detracts from the experience. Stay present, look around, let the music and party vibe be less of the point vs. taking a moment to enjoy the beauty at hand.

Don't forget that a load of critters call the water and its shores homes, so when we come in and make a lot of waves and noise, we're coming into their home and making their life a little tougher. Consider compassion for creatures — water, human, and animal — as not everyone is enjoying the water for the same reason. 


ENJOY that Blue Mind, y'all! 

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