December 26, 2022 4 min read
I'm by no means an expert at cold water swimming, but after dozens of dips, I have found a number of hacks, tricks, and simply foundational musts that help my swims, go smoothly!
Also, before we go into the rest, it's always suggested to have a buddy or tell someone what you're doing (including where, when, how long, and what to do if they don't hear from you by a certain time.)
In terms of safety and health, cold can do some bigtime impacts on you, so please check with your healthcare provider and use your own judgment and discernment about whether you are healthy enough to engage in cold water, breath, and other intense activities such as this. These are tips that have worked for me, but I make no guarantees about anything and this is NOT MEDICAL ADVICE.
Check your weather.
If it's really cold, packing is NOT light.
Plan it out / train
Prep your body.
Surrender to the experience
The cold is a beautiful way to train your body that stress doesn't mean shutting down. YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. You powerfully and intensely learn that your mind, body, and soul are an integrated team. Imagine if you carried that same energy into all areas of life when stress emerged? You just might be capable of everything you're dreaming of...
Shop the rest of our COLD WATER SWIM CLUB items here.
Questions? Want a swim buddy? Have beliefs or excuses that are holding you back? Email me —