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FLOW - For Love of Water 2019 Update

January 14, 2020 2 min read

FLOW - For Love of Water 2019 Update

Loving the lake creates a deep desire to protect her, which is core to our business - in our sourcing, our operations, and in our overall business model. With each purchase you make from Lake Effect Co. 5% is donated to FLOW- For Love Of Water. Based out of Traverse City, MI, and therefore sitting on Lake Michigan’s Grand Traverse Bay, FLOW’s mission is to “safeguard the Great Lakes, the planet’s largest freshwater lake system and the very lifeblood of the Midwest, by advancing public trust solutions and cutting-edge policy work.”

We hope you feel pride in knowing that the contributions we’re able to make from your Lake Effect Co. purchases have helped support FLOW as they work to protect the Great Lakes. 

FLOW is doing amazing work, and today we want to share with you what they consider to be some of their biggest wins in 2019.

  • They helped to keep public water public in Michigan, when courts in Michigan ruled that Nestle could not build a facility that would pump out millions of gallons of water from the township of Osceola. 
  • Assured that you are able to freely stroll all beaches of the Great Lakes, so long as you are walking below the natural high water mark on private properties. 
  • Submitted a proposal to the International Joint Commission that called for an emergency study and urgent action to address climate change and its effects. The study would help to establish protocols for determining the effects on water levels and determine if they are tied to the normal rise and fall of the levels or if certain water level changes are as a result of climate change. By doing this, it would make government decisions regarding the diversion or consumption levels of water be made based off of the scientifically backed dynamic nature and in public trust. 
  • FLOW helped to raise public awareness about how environmental protections and government regulations are beneficial to our economy.

Our love for the lakes is the cornerstone of our business. We love knowing that each of you shares even a little bit of that love and that together we can help to protect what we love.  

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