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Episode 11 - Connection: Holidays, Water and Presence

December 27, 2019 2 min read

Episode 11 - Connection: Holidays, Water and Presence

After the business and celebration of these past couple weeks ofIntentional December, I am coming into this episode with a heart full of gratitude for all of the support and connection that I’ve been able to make both in and out of the shop. Thank you to everyone who came out to the shop, liked any of our posts on social media, made orders online, or contributed in any way, shape, or form. I am so grateful to have you in my community and it makes a huge difference.

Since the beginning of Lake Effect Co. I’ve been really consciously creating a community, both in Pewaukee and online, that is centered around our love of the water and at our 3 year anniversary solstice party, I teared up more than once out of immense gratitude over the beauty of the connections that have been made in this community. So, in this episode I share how I’ve made these connections with an open heart, how water improves connections, and the importance between connecting with yourself and others.

Thank you for listening. I’m endlessly grateful for you, and I wish you all the connection that you want will come into your life in 2020.

In this episode, I muse about:

  • Why the holidays are a magical time for Lake Effect Co.
  • Staying present for yourself and others
  • How the water increases your connection with others

Join the Conversation

A weekly podcast is great, but the conversations that happen after keep this fun going.

This week’s question is:

Where can you show up more vulnerable, open, or being willing to connect and how can you reclaim connection with yourself and others?

Resources from the Episode

In this episode, I mentioned the following quotes and resources:

Blue Mind by Wallace J. Nichols

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