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Episode 18 - Purpose & Faith in Interesting Times

March 13, 2020 2 min read

Episode 18 - Purpose & Faith in Interesting Times

Hey friends, how are you doing right now? There’s a lot of weird energy around the coronavirus situation, and instead of allowing ourselves to get wrapped up in this overwhelmed state, I am urging you to take a breath and check-in with yourself to see how you’re feeling. I’m not downplaying the seriousness of the virus, we have a responsibility to be on top of the situation and be smart when out and about, but I am suggesting that we bring focus on keeping ourselves healthy - physically and energetically. 

In this week’s episode of The All Tides Podcast,I am sharing how I went down a social media induced fear spiral about all the news, how it quickly affected my energy and physiology, and the headspace that helped me shift out of it. I share what I feel like was the message my soul wanted me to hear about surrender and faith. Ultimately, it inspired me to come up with an approach on how to navigate my life and stay true to my purpose during these times, even when my financial livelihood feels compromised and it’s tempting to join the mass panic. 

Notes from the Episode

  • Stay true to your purpose - book a call with me if you need support. hello@KatherineGramann.com - but consider this slower time a wonderful time to re-evaluate your life, get healthy, etc.

  • Supporting yourself the Blue Mind way: Immune Support | Blue Mind Style

  • Stay in and stay safe online. All orders ship FREE for now!  https://lakeeffectco.com/

  • There are so many people who rely on the flow of physical traffic and life “in its normal way” for their livelihoods, so how can we continue to support businesses that will otherwise be without income during this time: buying gift cards, shopping online, sharing their content. This will come to pass in a short amount of time, and we want the businesses we love to also be able to say it was a blip on the calendar vs. a detrimental time.

  • Raise the collective vibration by feeling as happy as you can. There is no shame/guilt for feeling good even when you know others are in a state of suffering - that only perpetuates a problem. Do the things that fill you up - read, pray, journal, TV, Netflix, get out in nature. BLUE MIND. 

This week’s question is:

How can you support yourself to stay clear, calm, and ok during this time?

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