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Celebrating Year One

December 15, 2017 2 min read

Celebrating Year One

Dear Lake Lover,

We did it. We sailed through 2017 and have officially completed our first year in business. As with any boating adventure, the waters were sometimes rough. Other times, the wind was sometimes very much so at our back. We appreciated the smooth as much as we appreciated the contrast for what it brought us to and through.

And despite the chop or the wind or the sun or precipitation, one thing remained constant, the lake’s effects truly do extend beyond the water. When you’re on lake time, you know it, whether you’re physically at the water’s edge or simply calling to mind a time you were.

This seemed true for you, too. In your willingness to share your stories, to engage on social channels, in your notes of thanks, in your generous purchases.

So what started as “a blog & retail shop that celebrates the beauty and adventure of lake-living” has taken an interesting course and arrived right back to where I should have known it would - the knowing that inspiration, connection, adventure, and enjoying the present moment are available when we slow down and live with intention. The lake teaches us this over and over when we take the time to tune in.

There are so many fun plans in the works for Lake Effect Co. in the second year of business, and while we can’t share all the details now, I can say that I’m excited to have you aboard and encourage you to continue to share your stories, your lake views, and your desire to connect with other lake-minded folks.

Ready to jump-in right now? Here are some ways:

  • Enjoy the Blog & Views pages
  • Submit your story (appears on blog) or lake images (may appear on Views page or social media)
  • Join our Facebook community: the Lake Effect Co. Crew
  • Come to our anniversary party Thurs 12.21 at Enlightened Brewing Co. in Milwaukee
  • Shop the gear that helps you proudly display your lake-love

Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my full, happy, lake-loving heart.


Katherine Gramann

copy  by

Katherine Gramann

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