June 16, 2017 2 min read
See the man below with the vintage PBR coozie? That's our Dad about 35 years ago.
We have no idea how we got so lucky but we TOTALLY hit the family jackpot.
Our parents [Ron and Jude] were high school sweethearts...and they still act like it. Dad had fallen in love with Mom the moment he laid eyes on her. Once he mustered up the courage to ask her out, the feelings were mutual.
Our parents grew up loving the water. The boats they owned weren't pretty, they were simply a vehicle to get them on and off the water [well, at least most the time]. Stories are still told of the high school sweethearts spending countless hours soaking up the sun on the sandbar then having to swim the boat back to the marina.
Us kids didn't grow up living on the lake but we did grow up on the water. It was complete chaos at the Ginter house every Sunday morning. Mom + Dad + 3 kids had a big family breakfast, showered & packed for a day on the lake all before 9am mass. We would roll into church [on 2 wheels], boat towed behind with plum full coolers and loads of SPF. Parked directly next to us in the church parking lot was the Bartz's vehicle + boat. Our families tried to pay close attention for one hour in God's house but we were constantly reminded THE LAKE was near with our swimsuits hiding underneath our Sunday best. 10am would [finally] arrive and we'd be on our way to the water.
Lake days are the best days. We look forward to our time on [or near] the water. Ron & Jude now live on Okauchee Lake and get the whole crew together on Sundays for a family day...now the grandkids have the chance to grow up loving THE LAKE just as we did.
Thank you Dad for always leading by example and teaching us...
+ the love for your spouse will never fade.
+ to never lie.
+ life is too short to hang around grumpy people.
+ travel as often as possible.
+ to be kind to others.
+ enjoy the simple things in life.
+ water calms the soul.
We look forward to every Sunday afternoon at the lake with you [and Mom!] and cherish all the days that end with this view. We love you!
Heidi, Paul & Becky