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Episode 4 - Chase More Sunsets

November 06, 2019 2 min read 1 Comment

Episode 4 - Chase More Sunsets

HOLY SMOKES, we made it through episode four. This recording only required one re-record, so we’re calling it a win. But I am SO happy to talk about one of my favorite concepts, and maybe like, THE concept of my life - CHASE MORE SUNSETS! 

Thanks for joining me for another episode and for a little reminder that 

There’s power in our stories. There’s magic in the water.

In this episode, I muse about:

  • What the concept of Chase More Sunsets means
  • Why I think we both literally and figuratively need to embrace this concept
  • How I fell off the joy-wagon during a busy season and took the wrong parts of life seriously. 
  • Ways you can determine the activities you love, and by using the why’s of them, you can create sustainable, year-round approaches to feeling those feelings. 
  • Four steps to getting in more “nature” in your life, regardless of the season

Join the Conversation

A weekly podcast is great, but the conversations that happen after keep this fun going.

This week’s question is:

Question: How will you implement the concept of “sunset-chasing”? AKA THE thing that you want to build into your daily/weekly routine because it gives you the feelings you love.

Resources from the Episode

In this episode, I mentioned the following quotes and resources:

  • Shop the Chase More Sunsets design and read the first two blog posts on the topic here.
  • Blue Mind by Wallace J Nichols
  • “When I say yes to my soul, the universe says yes to me” Jenna Black
  • “Take a small step towards the universe, so the universe can take a big step towards you.” Natalia Benson
  • The Biophilia Effect https://amzn.to/32ooSpo
  • The Nature Fix https://amzn.to/2NNwMTV
  • Grounding Accessories https://amzn.to/33sAzN6
  • “If you’re going to take your life seriously, take your joy, curiosity, inspiration, awe and gratitude seriously, too.” - Me

  • 1 Response

    Jonathan Laing
    Jonathan Laing

    November 09, 2019

    Hey Katherine,
    Loved the first 4 Hey Katherine,
    Loved the first 4 podcast!! The Chase More Sunsets brand is great! I actually have a Instagram account called @minnesotasunsets! If you would like you can give it a follow.

    Leave a comment

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